A nondenominated first-class stamp reproduces the painting Mail Packet off Eastborne by Capt. Two stamps in the set feature mail transportation by water. The pillar box pictured on the stamp is called a Penfold, after John Penfold, the architect who designed it. 19, 1851, Trollope is proposing the placement of pillar boxes in St. Trollope (1815-1882), a novelist and postal worker, introduced the pillar box to Great Britain. In 1786, Palmer was named surveyor and comptroller general of the Post Office.Ī nondenominated first-class stamp includes a letter from Anthony Trollope in the background and a green pillar box (a freestanding public mailbox) in the foreground. A journey that had taken up to 38 hours now took just 16.” It reached London at 8 am the next day, exactly on schedule. An experimental mail coach journey, undertaken at Palmer’s expense, started from Bristol on 2 August 1784, at 4 pm.

Despite resistance from senior Post Office staff, who believed the speed of the mail could not be improved, William Pitt, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, accepted the idea. In 1782, Palmer sold his theatre interests, and went to London to lobby The Post Office. The Postal Museum, formerly known as the British Postal Museum and Archive, said of Palmer, “John Palmer, a theatre owner from Bath, had organised a rapid carriage service to transport actors and props between theatres and he believed that a similar scheme could improve the postal service.

Two other stamps in the set also depict letters in the background.Ī £1.52 stamp pictures a mail coach in the foreground with a letter from John Palmer about the introduction of mail coaches in Portsmouth in the background. Pictured in the background of this nondenominated first-class stamp is a letter from Tuke to Thomas Cromwell, chief minister to Henry VIII. As Master of the Posts, he organized and established England’s postal service.” The gallery said of the painting: “The political strength of Henry VIII’s regime lay in his ability to choose advisors who were both wise and learned. The painting is part of the Andrew Mellon collection of the National Gallery of Arts in Washington, D.C. The first stamp in this set honors the knighting of Brian Tuke as the first master of the posts in 1516 and shows a portrait of Tuke painted by Hans Holbein the Younger. Green Valley, AZ 85614īrowse our wide-ranging collection of auction catalogues previewing the rare stamps and lots being offered at upcoming sales.
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Your 200 different foreign plus SAES for my 200 different. LARGE SCOTT SPECIALITY 3-RING BINDER - TOP SELLER! Find information about every stamp issued by the USPS and other postal services since 1997, and learn where in the world stamps about your favorite topics are being issued.Quickly search our catalog by OR across countries, zoom, take it anywhere and much much more. The all-new way to always have the latest listings and values.Maintained by our expert staff (who also publish Linn's), we catalog all new stamp issues and regularly release stamp value updates. The Scott Catalogue of Postage Stamps is the foremost name in stamp collecting.20 Kelleher sale features Bates Canal Zone collection What’s new for 2023 Scott Standard catalog Volume 6?.USPS outlines plans for new sorting and delivery centers.Yamil Kouri delivers annual Tiffany Talk at Great American Stamp Show.